Archive | October, 2010


17 Oct

lyanna thank you

I really like this card. It is Kaisercraft paper and die cut with Magnolia and her shiny wand. The tiny tag is one of my favourites, it is from Stampin’ up.

Hey, I even think my photo skills may be getting better??

kiki notebook

17 Oct

kiki notebook

just a cute little notebook I covered and decorated. I don’t put too much on them (otherwise it makes difficult to write in).  I tend to make a few notebooks as these are great sellers for school fetes and also they seem to be a hit at the moment with my daughters friends.

The dog is raised with 3D foam but I haven’t taken the photo correctly to show it.

magnolia wand

17 Oct

magolia wand

I am in a magnolia phase at the moment. I  really think she is a cute character. Plus she is really good for tweens.

The background card is out of the DCWV Mariposa set from Big W.


17 Oct

magnolia gift bag1 this gift bag was created with seated wedding magnolia but used for a tween birthday. I still haven’t got the copic pen colouring right yet – think I might need to do a course. I only used copic pens for the face. I used other pens for the rest of  magnolia.

magnolia gift bag2

swiss pixie

16 Oct

Another card made for one of Sarah‘s friends. Nothing overly special – but she is cute.

swiss pixie1

hello blogging world

16 Oct

yes it’s me!!!